Reflective Sundays: A Journey of a Thousand Miles must begin with a Single Step
Pancakes: A Timeless Breakfast Treat
Reflective Sundays: The World is gonna judge you no matter what, so live your life the way you...
October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Reflective Sundays: Don't let Yesterday use up too much of Today.
The Beauty of Multicultural Families
Cosmetics: How They Transformed the World
Reflective Sundays: Imagine someone who wanted to learn your past, not to punish you, but to...
Reflective Sundays: Doubt kills more Dreams than Failure ever will
Reflective Sundays: Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the...
Salsa: An Iconic Dance Style
The Apple: A Fruit for all Seasons
Reflective Sundays: The Happiest People don't have the best of everything, they make the best of...
September: Hispanic Heritage Month
Reflective Sundays: Note to Self: You are not Too Old, and It is Never Too Late
Autumn: Right Around the Corner
Reflective Sundays: In The Middle of Every Difficulty, Lies Opportunity
Yoga: A Fun, Relaxing Activity
Aloe Vera: A Powerful Plant
Reflective Sundays: Always end the Day with a Positive Thought and a Grateful Heart.