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  • Writer's pictureStacy Vazquez

Reflective Sundays: The Happiest People don't have the best of everything, they make the best of...

The Happiest People don't have the best of everything, they make the best of everything
Author: Unknown | Image Design: Stacy

This quote is absolutely true. We can't expect that, in order to be happy, we can only have good things in our life. Everybody has struggles and everybody goes through tough times. How you look at these hard times is the line between sadness, hopelessness, and happiness.

You can go through a hard time but if you stay optimistic and look on the bright side, you will be able to overcome it and not feel discouraged. In fact, it's impossible to live a perfect life, but if you stay positive you'll be able to live a happy, fulfilling life even if it's far from perfect.

For example, COVID-19 is a hard time for everybody but it's possible to feel happy even with everything going on. If you focus on connecting with your family, learning, growing, and resting, you can make quarantine a lot more bearable.

Life is all about perspective. Some people will see the cup as half full while others will see it as half empty. Optimism is not easy to achieve but even just smiling a little more, goes a long way.


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