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  • Writer's pictureTracy Martinez

Reflective Sundays: The World is gonna judge you no matter what, so live your life the way you...

The wolrd is gonna judge you no matter what, so live your life the way you want to.
Author: Unknown | Image Design: Stacy

We are always worried about what other people may think about us; how we dress, how we talk , what we do and why we do it, etc. but we are the only ones who know the truth about how we live. Society tends to point fingers and react to something minimum someone does. Something little turns into a negative thing and it becomes a controversy.

Everyone tends to be really sensible nowadays and even a simple thing like posing on social media in a bathing suit turns into a topic of criticism because of the body shape; being too tall or too skinny, showing too much. The same thing happens to men. If a guy posts a picture of him with other girls and people know that he has a girlfriend, others think that he is cheating and it might be that the girl in the picture is his sister, cousin, niece, or friend. We can't live by pleasing everyone. All of us view live differently and we live how we like. Those that judge us are not better than us.

Next time, someone tries to criticize you, just remember that their life is not better that yours, don't take things personal, and "bless" those negative people because they need to feel love in their lives. Finally, we are the only ones in charge of our actions and we are the only ones to pay the consequences. Live how you please, nobody can tell you otherwise.


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